Elizabeth Smart

Elizabeth Smart

posted in: LifeStyle 9

Elizabeth Smart, one of the most renowned child abduction victims in the country, was the key note speaker at the League City Women’s Conference. Elizabeth was abducted at the tender age of 14, just before celebrating her middle school graduation.

The abduction of Elizabeth Smart was one of the most followed child abduction cases of our time.  She started the speech by telling us about the afternoon of June 5th, her mom had been at the hospital visiting her father (Elizabeth’s grandfather) who was very ill. Even though her mom was worried and upset about her dad, she stated cooking dinner.  Her mom is an excellent cook, but that day she burned her first meal. Her dad opened a kitchen window to let in some fresh air in. Elizabeth went to sleep in her room that she shared with her younger sister.  Awakened hours later to a knife held roughly against her throat, her abductor  threaten to kill her sister if she made a sound. As he is leading her out a back door she figure it would make a sound because it had a alarm strip on it.

Elizabeth Smart

She was taken from her home and family and held captive for nine long months. Her captors controlled her by threatening to kill her and her family if she tried to escape.

Fortunately, the police safely returned Elizabeth back to her family on March 12, 2003 after being held prisoner for 9 grueling months. She later learned that the abductor came in thru the opened window, and the alarm did not sound off when the door was open because the strip was broken.

Elizabeth shared her incredible story of perseverance in the face of unimaginable adversity. Her speech not only tells her personal story, but also discusses topics such as overcoming rape, extreme adversity, the process of recovery, and not allowing your past to dictate your life’s future. Elizabeth knows that there is nothing more important than having hope in a difficult situation.

Despite her kidnappers’ abuse, Smart said she never gave up hope. After all, she said, hope was the only thing that could bring her a semblance of sanity and comfort.

What kept her going, she said, “was realizing that despite everything that happened to me — the people trying to steal my life, my identity and my family away from me — that they couldn’t steal my parents’ love for me.

“No matter what they did to me or wherever they took me, my parents would still love me. And even if no one else ever did, that was enough for me.”

Elizabeth SmartThrough this traumatic experience Elizabeth has become an advocate for change related to child abduction, recovery programs and National legislation.

Elizabeth triumphantly testified before her captor and the world about the very private nightmare she suffered during her abduction, which lead to conviction.

The Founder of the “Elizabeth Smart Foundation”, Elizabeth has also helped promote The National AMBER Alert, The Adam Walsh Child Protection & Safety Act and other safety legislation to help prevent abductions.

Elizabeth has chronicled her experiences in the New York Times best-selling book, “My Story.”

In the book she writes about being taken from her home in the middle of the night by religious fanatic, Brian David Mitchell and his wife, Wanda Barzee. She was kept chained, dressed in disguise, repeatedly raped, and told she and her family would be killed if she tried to escape. After her rescue on March 12, 2003, she rejoined her family and worked to pick up the pieces of her life.  Elizabeth Smart reveals how she survived and the secret to forging a new life in the wake of a brutal crime. Click to purchase book thru Amazon.

Elizabeth’s abduction and recovery continues to motivate parents, law enforcement and leaders worldwide to focus on children’s safety. She emphasizes vigilance by “every day” people and the belief that hope always exist to find every missing child.

Elizabeth attended Brigham Young University, studying music as a harp performance major. She married her husband Matthew in 2012 and they have a daughter.


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Mother, Lifestyle Blogger and Founder of Lady Wiser. Inspiring women to tune into their inner wisdom and truly live life on purpose.
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9 Responses

  1. Shane Prather
    | Reply

    This would be devastating yet enlightening read! Thanks for sharing the strong woman’s story

  2. Oyinkan Ogunleye
    | Reply

    Her recovery is a testament of hope and faith. I’m sure this would be a great read!

  3. Janine Good
    | Reply

    I can’t imagine what Elizabeth went through. What a strong woman. God bless her and her efforts to stop child abduction.

  4. Valerie
    | Reply

    She is great. I really want to read her book. She was so lucky to get back home. God bless her.

  5. Krystal
    | Reply

    I can not even imagine experiencing something like that. I am so happy she survived and made it home to her family. It seems like she took the horrible experience and didn’t let it destroy her, instead she’s doing something positive and helping others. I really want to read her book now.

  6. Lydia
    | Reply

    I remember this horrific story and to this day I still can’t believe her abductor simply took her from her bedroom. What a nightmare it must’ve been for the whole family. Reading this gave me chills but it’s comforting to know Elizabeth has made a wonderful life for herself.

  7. Devina
    | Reply

    Thank you for sharing her story. I can even fathom everything she has endured but I am happy to learn that she is living her life. God bless her

  8. Amber Myers
    | Reply

    She is such an impressive woman. I can’t imagine what she went through. I love the foundation she started.

  9. Tara
    | Reply

    Wow, I couldn’t imagine being in her situation at all. I’d be so scared. So proud that she never gave up hope. Welcome Home!

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